Monday 7 September 2009

14 Days

The number of days I've been working for without a day off. It's starting to wear down a bit, so I figured I'd write a blog for the last few months, as I've been kinda lazy.

Firstly, for those who actually follow this for the zine aspect of my life and such, "hymn sheet" was finally pressed and sent out.

It was a tough ol' afternoon of printing and stapling. "3 Essays" is in the pipe works but don't expect anything soon as I am fuckin' skint. boo-fucking-hoo.

I still went to London to see Grizzly Bear, this was hook the damn chart, i wish my phone's camera wasn't rubbish.

In more productive news, Hub (as some of you may know, plays for some goth band called Lavotchkin and a Kelly Clarkson covers band called Pure Graft), Sid (whom i play in a band with called Black Wolves if you didn't already need reminding) and myself are starting to screen print. When Hub was away Sid n myself busted out a shit loada shirts for Joe Pesci [fast as fuck grind/thrash band] so more pictures of shirts to come your way. if anyone wants stuff doing, contact one of us via facebook or something.

Here's something nice I saw while i was having a cigarette at work

Here's a lil someone who poos in my room

Today i was also surprised to find out i have 7 followers on here. thanks to you xo

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