Thursday 16 July 2009

Lonely Rides & Coastal Tides

So this evening I needed to blow off some steam, so i rode to the coast and watch the sea.

It took me about 30mins or so down the coast road, not very arduous, but sitting watching the sea is a nice thing to do at sunset.

on the way home, tried to do a sick jump and instead wasted myself and my front inner tube, rode home with a slow puncture and only realised when i reached the edge of Heaton. I really with i have a better camera. anyone wanna buy is one?

In zine land, Hymn Sheet is getting printed tomorrow ready for distribution next week, im still waiting for a long armed stapler. i hope it fuckin arrives soon. cos everything else is canny shit

today has been mostly shit.

Listening to :

Bagheera - Hollow Home EP [Download here for free]
A Wilhelm Scream - Career Suicide
Poison the Well - The Tropic Rot [Listen here]

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