Thursday 13 November 2008

James from DSP made me nostalgic...

So i put 5 songs in a zip from my old band "Chairman" up for download

and here it is

theres the demo tracks and 2 tracks off the unreleased and never pressed split with US band The Disease


Being paid reasonably for a job i kinda like...

Here are a few pictures of bits and pieces I've been having a look at work

I know it's not very interesting for most people, but guts of amplifiers are pretty interesting to me. also the digital graphic effect was a quick job putting its covers back on and testing it worked. it had a very simple system that allowed you to apply channel delays and crossovers with ease such as allowing you delay speaker sets by distance rather than time and having to convert the time into a distance by using it as a ratio of the speed of sound.

I'll be glad to see a new oscilloscope in the workshop cos the PEC amp you can see in the photos has a dodgy output that i can't see for the life of me where the problem is.

Things I'm siked for

the arrival of this ->

and the arrival of my copy of the throats split and the throats t-shirt that comes with it

Monday 3 November 2008

Diary and that

I'm gonna buy a cheap digital camera and take photos of this i work on and place i work instead of using my shitty phone camera

2 weeks ago i started my new job (or rather my second job) at Midnight Electronics in the Off Quay building
so far i have fixed this

and it still works, i think we're gonna take it on a job this week to give it a thorough blast

this week i think im working a fireworks display in saltwell park in Gateshead, a big band show at the Black Swan, usual Friday night student shite and the all dayer on the Saturday

only bout an hour left on this ebay bid for a cold weather hat, work can get cold


off to enjoy my day off! xo

Friday 17 October 2008

The rest of this year....

Working to the bone
applying for jobs

going to ATP!!!!!

going on tour with Lavotchkin & Crocus, should be fun and impoverishing

I feel a bit better than i usually do, but that will soon lapse back to my usual moods

come on life, better luck please, fed up of the cold xo

Monday 29 September 2008

My Health

my guts of lead
full of hate
seeping blood in every sitting
after every meal
after every drink
feeling sick and exhausted
after every night
after every day
losing breath
after every breathe
in my airless lungs
dripping with mucus
and sandpaper throat
leaving me speechless
and drawn
and quartered
amongst my few friends
who sometimes notice i'm gone

Sunday 14 September 2008

Whats the point

of texting people when they don't text back

its more or less like ignoring someone when they're stood next to you

soon i shall know how my home made ice cream worked out

seriously though, some people can fuck off


Saturday 16 August 2008

I Don't Do this Thing Called Love

I don't date anymore
i don't dine with girls
and i don't entertain

i buy girls lunches
i buy them dinners
and i listen to them vent
all their days worries and troubles
minor anecdotes
and sob stories.

smiling and nodding at the appropriate moments
injected with suitable anecdotes
of people i know
or once knew
of things with little relevence

i sit at the table,
elbows resting.
chewing the thumb end of my clasped hands
vacantly watching their eyes
as hand gestures and lips
juggle stories of nothing across at me

I don't date anymore
I don't dine with girls
but i entertain them
and get nothing in return

Monday 30 June 2008

Some stuff i've seen...

Lori's drawn up a couple illustrations, and i like them already and i'm excited



jealous coupling

Saturday 21 June 2008

21st June 2008

Today, the summer has shown its true face by raining on everyones parade
I am now done with education, well i was done a few weeks ago now, but its done.

all i need now is a job.

i haven't found a desire to write, or when i do i'm too far from anything to write on.bummer.
things are slowly working their way to happening, but i shall be moving house soon.

i'll set up a small workshop in garage and get things really going
everything might run from there.

till then, i'll keep my head down and wait for my results.

monday will decide my future xo

Monday 19 May 2008

Making Progress?

Well, i've written a few pieces in the last few weeks
i haven't made much headway with "The Bachelor", thats kinda bumming me out i guess
though i signed for a new house, thats been the highlight of my life for a while

please could anyone who reads this check out "Second Place" on my deviantart site

a friend might be helping me with art for work, thats pretty cool

3 exams and then im done with education

Thursday 27 March 2008

Test Print 1

I've just printed an unfinished version of "Life in the Blackest House"
it needs 2 more photographs, 2 more test prints and a front cover

I will probably place finished versions into a distro and into Gallery Glue round the corner from my house

I made a wonderful breakfast on sunday last

Thursday 20 March 2008

New Business

I'm starting a business next year

I am petrified

please visit


Wednesday 19 March 2008

The Bachelor and Other workings

I've begun work on a short story entitled "The Bachelor", it currently being written between bouts of revision. this will be printed to a limited run of 20 or so with a 3 copy test print

i want to get the first book done soon, i might do the art soon and then scan it all in, print a test run of 3 copies then make a further 20.

with regards to a zine, please email me on my myspace ( or facebook (search : eugene davies) this will be run between 50 to 100 copies to be sold in an A5 format at NE shows.

next month : Distro begins, Books printed, zine written

Listening to: The Alligator - The National, Boxer - The National, Bring me your love - City & Color, Misfortunes - This is Hell, Southern Blue -Dead Swans

Reading : Description of a Struggle - Franz Kafka

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Horizons drawing near

I'm pretty broke at the moment and so things are on hold until.....

.....well I'm not sure, soon i hope

anyways, if anyone has books they would like to sell, then I'd be happy to sell them via the distro, same for CDs and Vinyls. I'll hopefully get my own supply in as well xo

I'll be getting some records from we heart records from London/Weymouth, please check them out {} the Crocus record will be indeed sweet. I intend to try and get some records from Holy Roar as well.

please spread the word about this outlet, i intend to take it with me to other Cities and Towns as and when i can manage it. i might start a myspace too.... but those are dull.

im currently reading : Metamorphosis and The Outsider
im currently listening to : Midnight in America by MLIW and The Boxer by The National.

Friday 18 January 2008

Release of "Life inside the Blackest House"

This short book-ette of 4 poems accompanied with pictures
the spine will be hand sewn

it is now awaiting the pictures and printing, will be limited to 50
it is currently readable on
but it will come down soon

in the meantime.

go see Spy vs Spy @ Bar Pure
go see Henry Rollins @ the academy

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Ladies and Gents

Heres to new Beginnings

Coming soon....

Record Distribution
Book Distribution
Mini Magazines