Thursday 13 November 2008

Being paid reasonably for a job i kinda like...

Here are a few pictures of bits and pieces I've been having a look at work

I know it's not very interesting for most people, but guts of amplifiers are pretty interesting to me. also the digital graphic effect was a quick job putting its covers back on and testing it worked. it had a very simple system that allowed you to apply channel delays and crossovers with ease such as allowing you delay speaker sets by distance rather than time and having to convert the time into a distance by using it as a ratio of the speed of sound.

I'll be glad to see a new oscilloscope in the workshop cos the PEC amp you can see in the photos has a dodgy output that i can't see for the life of me where the problem is.

Things I'm siked for

the arrival of this ->

and the arrival of my copy of the throats split and the throats t-shirt that comes with it

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