Monday 30 November 2009

Ok, I have a problem with religion.

Seriously, in the last 3 months I have found myself cornered by Christian's attempting to suggest I should accept "God" and "Jesus" into my life as otherwise i will burn for all eternity in Hell [Although, i hear Hell is a damn sight warmer than Helheim of Viking myth, where it's fucking cold, thus saving on those pesky heating bills]

Anyhow, i spend a lot of my internet time jumping from hyperlink to hyperlink reading whatever i can read on bikes and in many cases religion. I am convinced by my severly lack of belief in any deity that all you need to survive in this day and age without gut-wrenching pain via guilt is to be honest, open and decent with your fellow man or woman. this is also supported by most religious teachings whether jewish, hindu, buddhist or christian, so, you'd this we'd be covered for death for most religions.


This apparently is not the case. I talked for a long time with someone who was part of the UNCU [Univerity of Newcastle Christian Union], i think for the best part of an hour, when all i wanted was this cup of free tea they were offering (which i previously received without the sales pitch). To sum it up, i said i didn't believe in god, there is no way jesus could have been affected by eastern religious teachings of peace even though there is proof, this guy couldn't accept mistranslations from aramaic and hebrew could attribute to a change of how the bible is actually an important political document as well as religious, not being able to understand how many of the new testament books were written post jesus dying on the cross and .....

.... so long as I believe in Jesus, i will goto heaven, even if i punched everyone in a queue of freshers in the face. jesus would only be, in fact, a little sad :(

SO to cure the winter blues of the religious sales force feeding you "The Word" here is some extra curricular reading [yes, all these are wiki pages, get over it]. Firstly, Theosophy, a "religion" which looks to unite everyone in common belief and stop man from being jerks to one another. Secondly, comparative religion, this is one of the areas of research in theosophy which looks to help link everyone up in spiritual thought.

AND finally, if this hasn't sold any spirituality to you and you wanna party this winter like Jesus was never born, hit this list up.

Hope you enjoyed this read XO

Monday 7 September 2009

14 Days

The number of days I've been working for without a day off. It's starting to wear down a bit, so I figured I'd write a blog for the last few months, as I've been kinda lazy.

Firstly, for those who actually follow this for the zine aspect of my life and such, "hymn sheet" was finally pressed and sent out.

It was a tough ol' afternoon of printing and stapling. "3 Essays" is in the pipe works but don't expect anything soon as I am fuckin' skint. boo-fucking-hoo.

I still went to London to see Grizzly Bear, this was hook the damn chart, i wish my phone's camera wasn't rubbish.

In more productive news, Hub (as some of you may know, plays for some goth band called Lavotchkin and a Kelly Clarkson covers band called Pure Graft), Sid (whom i play in a band with called Black Wolves if you didn't already need reminding) and myself are starting to screen print. When Hub was away Sid n myself busted out a shit loada shirts for Joe Pesci [fast as fuck grind/thrash band] so more pictures of shirts to come your way. if anyone wants stuff doing, contact one of us via facebook or something.

Here's something nice I saw while i was having a cigarette at work

Here's a lil someone who poos in my room

Today i was also surprised to find out i have 7 followers on here. thanks to you xo

Thursday 16 July 2009

Lonely Rides & Coastal Tides

So this evening I needed to blow off some steam, so i rode to the coast and watch the sea.

It took me about 30mins or so down the coast road, not very arduous, but sitting watching the sea is a nice thing to do at sunset.

on the way home, tried to do a sick jump and instead wasted myself and my front inner tube, rode home with a slow puncture and only realised when i reached the edge of Heaton. I really with i have a better camera. anyone wanna buy is one?

In zine land, Hymn Sheet is getting printed tomorrow ready for distribution next week, im still waiting for a long armed stapler. i hope it fuckin arrives soon. cos everything else is canny shit

today has been mostly shit.

Listening to :

Bagheera - Hollow Home EP [Download here for free]
A Wilhelm Scream - Career Suicide
Poison the Well - The Tropic Rot [Listen here]

Monday 13 July 2009

Hymn Sheet almost there.....

If anyone's actually read this blog of late, or my facebook or spoken to be you'll know that Love Without Care's first zine will be coming out soon. i have 72 pre-ordered (and un paid for) zines not including my own copies and copies to be sent further afield. when my pay cheque lands through the door, i'll get em pressed and collated and ready for sale.

i'll put up a new facebook link for love without care and the zine will get a paypal button for people to buy

The next zine is in the pipeworks entitled "3 Essays", merch maybe pressed in the form of t-shirts and bags so watch out!

Thursday 9 July 2009


Proto-Canaanite Phoenician Value and name Descendants
ʼ ʾalp "ox" א Α A ا
b bet "house" ב Β B ب
g gaml "throwstick" ג Γ C-G ج
d digg "fish" ד Δ D ذ-د
h haw / hll "hurrah" ה Ε E ه Є
w waw "hook" ו
z zen /ziqq "handcuff" ז Ζ Z ز З
ḥet "courtyard" ח Η H خ-ح

ṭēt "wheel" ט Θ ظ-ط Ѳ
y yad "arm" י Ι I-J ي
k kap "hand" כ Κ K ك
l lamd "goad" ל Λ L ل
m mem "water" מ Μ M م
n naḥš "snake" נ Ν N ن

s samek "fish" ס Ξ X Ѯ

ʻ ʿen "eye" ע Ο O غ-ع
p piʾt "bend" פ Π P ف

ṣad "plant" צ ϻ ص-ض ц
q qup "monkey" ק Ϙ Q ق Ҁ
r raʾs "head" ר Ρ R ر
š/ś šimš "sun, the Uraeus" ש Σ S ش-س Ш
t taw "signature" ת Τ T ث-ت

Fascinating, yeah?