Thursday 16 July 2009

Lonely Rides & Coastal Tides

So this evening I needed to blow off some steam, so i rode to the coast and watch the sea.

It took me about 30mins or so down the coast road, not very arduous, but sitting watching the sea is a nice thing to do at sunset.

on the way home, tried to do a sick jump and instead wasted myself and my front inner tube, rode home with a slow puncture and only realised when i reached the edge of Heaton. I really with i have a better camera. anyone wanna buy is one?

In zine land, Hymn Sheet is getting printed tomorrow ready for distribution next week, im still waiting for a long armed stapler. i hope it fuckin arrives soon. cos everything else is canny shit

today has been mostly shit.

Listening to :

Bagheera - Hollow Home EP [Download here for free]
A Wilhelm Scream - Career Suicide
Poison the Well - The Tropic Rot [Listen here]

Monday 13 July 2009

Hymn Sheet almost there.....

If anyone's actually read this blog of late, or my facebook or spoken to be you'll know that Love Without Care's first zine will be coming out soon. i have 72 pre-ordered (and un paid for) zines not including my own copies and copies to be sent further afield. when my pay cheque lands through the door, i'll get em pressed and collated and ready for sale.

i'll put up a new facebook link for love without care and the zine will get a paypal button for people to buy

The next zine is in the pipeworks entitled "3 Essays", merch maybe pressed in the form of t-shirts and bags so watch out!

Thursday 9 July 2009


Proto-Canaanite Phoenician Value and name Descendants
ʼ ʾalp "ox" א Α A ا
b bet "house" ב Β B ب
g gaml "throwstick" ג Γ C-G ج
d digg "fish" ד Δ D ذ-د
h haw / hll "hurrah" ה Ε E ه Є
w waw "hook" ו
z zen /ziqq "handcuff" ז Ζ Z ز З
ḥet "courtyard" ח Η H خ-ح

ṭēt "wheel" ט Θ ظ-ط Ѳ
y yad "arm" י Ι I-J ي
k kap "hand" כ Κ K ك
l lamd "goad" ל Λ L ل
m mem "water" מ Μ M م
n naḥš "snake" נ Ν N ن

s samek "fish" ס Ξ X Ѯ

ʻ ʿen "eye" ע Ο O غ-ع
p piʾt "bend" פ Π P ف

ṣad "plant" צ ϻ ص-ض ц
q qup "monkey" ק Ϙ Q ق Ҁ
r raʾs "head" ר Ρ R ر
š/ś šimš "sun, the Uraeus" ש Σ S ش-س Ш
t taw "signature" ת Τ T ث-ت

Fascinating, yeah?

Monday 6 July 2009

East of Eden

Everyone should get a listen of the "East of Eden" 7" by Trash Talk

I think if were James Dean, most things would be ok.

1st draft of "hymn sheet" is collated, just a couple more bits n pieces then hit up the printers for a quote.

Saturday 4 July 2009


So yesterday, me and Ashley mooched to Alnwick and went to barter books

I saw this and laughed, didn't buy it though.

we then went to Amble on the way home and had Fish and Chips and considered a return trip to see puffins.

that castle was near by, so we ran round it. and climbed a daft hill.

This website has all sorts

Today is for swimming and not a lot else.

Tropic Rot - Poison the Well
Bitte Orca - Dirty Projectors
Unicorns - Colour
East of Eden - Trash talk

Narziss and Goldmund